A foundation School for children aged 5 – 7 years. Highfield is an oversubscribed three form entry Infants’ School, with a maximum of 226 pupils in three year groups, at the heart of the Shortlands community. They have a well-equipped and furnished classrooms, a networked information and communications technology (ICT) suite, interactive whiteboards, a children’s reference library and a multi-purpose hall. The children enjoy a range of outdoor facilities too, including an attractive and well-maintained pond and wildlife area, a garden specially designed for its appeal to the spectrum of senses and plenty of mature trees. Children who attend the Infant School have a guaranteed place at Highfield Junior School where they continue their education from Year 3 to Year 6.
Acting Head Teacher – Mr J Wood
Highfield Infants’ School ________Tel: 020 8464 7804
Highfield Drive ________________E-mail: general.office@highfield-info.bromley.sch.uk
Kent. BR2 0RX